

发布人: dankeyihao
分类: 建筑包装
认证: 手机短信验证
联系: dankeyihao (商家)
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  • 详情
  • 铁矿石集装袋的生产加工必须对商品开展配备,在制做以前必须开展错料,它是制做全过程中的重要环节,下边集装袋、吨包、集装袋的网编就来给大伙儿详细介绍一下下吧!

    The production and processing of iron ore packaged bags must be equipped with commodities, and the wrong materials must be carried out before they are made. It is an important link in the whole process of production. The networking of lower packaged bags, tons of bags and packaged bags will give you a detailed introduction.


    When mixing, the material with similar melting index should be chosen as the first choice for mixing. If the difference of melting index is too large and the plasticization degree is not uniform, the drawing effect will be affected. The quality of flat filament decreases, the broken filament has been formed, and the reject rate will be greatly increased. Serious factors may affect the normal production. At the same time, the drying time and temperature of the material in the mixing process will be affected. The element also affects the homogeneity of the mixture.
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